Matched Height Kinematic Kit - Mandala Rose Works
Matched Height Kinematic Kit - Mandala Rose Works
Takes between 1-5 business days to ship directly from our partner.
The Mandala Rose Works (MRW) Kinematic Mount Kit provides you all the parts and hardware necessary to mount your bed in a kinematically coupled system for the purposes of handling the thermal expansion of your bed as it heats up.
The MRW Kinematics are based on the Kelvin style kinematics, and include 150C N48SH magnets to maintain the connection of the bed to the yokes.
Each of the bases are slightly different heights to account for where the threaded balls sit on the magnets.
The pin mount has movable location blocks depending on the orientation you need for your particular printer. Please note, you will likely need a longer z-endstop pin on a v2.4 to use the kinematics. Please read this file for the observations written up by one of our beta testers.
The kinematic kit includes:
- 1 magnet base for the flat magnet
- 1 magnet base for the chamfered magnet
- 1 pin mount base
- 2 pins
- 2 magnet covers
- 3 threaded balls
- 3 m3 nuts
- 8 m3x6 button heads
- 2 m3x8 buttons heads
- 1 chamfered disc magnet - 150C
- 2 flat disc magnets - 150c
- 3 m4 T-Nuts
- 3 m4x8 Cap Head Bolts
- 1 hammerhead m5 T-Nut
- 2 m2x4 button heads
Not Included: 130mm (approx) extrusion for mounting on a Voron 2.4, you may however download and 3d print one till you get the appropriate size.
This item is not eligible for free shipping promotions since it is shipped directly from Mandala Rose Works and can take anywhere from 1-5 business days to ship.